

Image ORCA Gel Electrophoresis unit: large sample high resolution SDS-PAGE, native PAGE, IEF and 2D gel electrophoresis

ORCA Gel Electrophoresis research 

Most powerful 1D and 2D protein separation

The ORCA Gel Electrophoresis research modular unit offers the separation capacity of up to 52 samples as standardized high performance 1D SDS-PAGE, native PAGE or IEF. 2D gel electrophoresis (e.g. Refraction-2D™ analysis) can be performed as well.

Get maximum performance, versatility and easy handling for both research and daily routine.


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 Image ORCA Gel Electrophoresis staple of 4 units: large sample high resolution SDS-PAGE, native PAGE, IEF and 2D gel electrophoresis

ORCA Gel Electrophoresis 

combined modular units

For higher sample throughputs or analysis of 2D gels, up to 4 ORCA Gel Electrophoresis units can be combined (e.g. one on top of the other) to run simultaneously. Current and cooled water are supplied by the ORCA power supply and ORCA cooling system.


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ORCA Gel Electrophoresis routine 

Most powerful 1D and 2D protein separation

The ORCA Gel Electrophoresis research modular unit offers the separation capacity of up to 52 samples as standardized high performance 1D SDS-PAGE, native PAGE or IEF. 2D gel electrophoresis (e.g. Refraction-2D™ analysis) can be performed as well.

Get maximum performance, versatility and easy handling for both research and daily routine.


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VELUM Precast 1D Gels

Large sample high resolution separation

Separation capacity of up to 52 samples as standardized high performance 1D SDS-PAGE, SAR-PAGE, native PAGE or IEF. 

  • for all fluorescent applications
  • for silver/ Coomassie staining
  • production according to ISO 9001

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Velum Precast 2D Gels

High resolution, best reproducibility

The VELUM GOLD Precast 2D Gels combine perfect resolution and reproducibility with very easy handling. Ideally suited for all fluorescence applications as well as for silver / Coomassie staining. Choose either gels for 18/ 24 cm IEF strips or 2 x 7/ 11 cm IEF strips.

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VELUM Dry Blotter

Protein Transfer in HD quality

Transfer proteins from VELUM 1D gels onto blotting membranes in HD quality. Very easy to use, no buffers or current required.


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BEO Dry Blotter

Protein Transfer in HD quality

Transfer proteins from VELUM 2D gels onto blotting membranes in HD quality. The BEO Dry Blotter takes up to 3 blots from large gels (large 2D gels) or 18 mini blots at the same time. Easy to use, no buffers or current required.


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