Optimized Refraction-2D™ kits

To avoid the loss of valuable content, all Refraction-2D™ protein labeling kits now come with

G-Dye low retention pipette tips & tubes.

Kit content

  • G-Dye100 – high performance fluorescent dye
  • G-Dye200 – high performance fluorescent dye
  • G-Dye300 – high performance fluorescent dye
  • G-Dye solvent
  • G-Dye labeling stop solution
  • new G-Dye low retention tips
  • new G-Dye micro centrifuge tubes
  • NHD Expert Coaching


Refraction-2D™ Product Guide (new edition)


We also offer new protein labeling kit sizes.

The 4G and 8G labeling kits are idealy suited for smaller 2D gel experiments.


Go to Refraction-2D™ product page

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