Application note – SPL for 1D

Smart Protein Layers (SPL) is a standard-based technology for stain-free, quantitative and standardized analysis of proteins separated by 1D gel electrophoresis. SPL is based on rapid fluorescent labeling of protein samples using Smart Labels and a bi-fluorescent standard, the Smartalyzer (SMA).
The relation between fluorescent labeled protein sample and the SMA allows highly sensitive, stain-free protein visualization as well as for precise protein normalization and quantification. 

In this paper we demonstrate that the SPL technology allows for absolute protein quantification even if varying amounts of protein have been applied to the gel - either by variations in the protein content or by loading different amounts of sample.


The patented SPL technology is designed for stain-free, qualitative and quantitative protein analysis in protein gels ... learn more here

... as well as to co-detect sample protein on Western Blots while the target is detected (reliable Western Blot normalization) ... learn more here.

Image of PDF Application note: Stain-free and standardized analysis of protein 1D gels including absolute quantification using Smart Protein Layers technology

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